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10/10 Boobie Update & How We Found it

Writer: Katharine LiMandriKatharine LiMandri

Updated: Nov 13, 2024

Hi Friends! I'm going to post big updates here. This first one has more of the story because 1) I know you are curious, 2) we all need to advocate for our own health and 3) it's scary but not as scary as you think it is. Though this has changed my calendar, I'm not allowing it to take over my life. Things are still normal, I'm golfing obsessively and am always up for lunch, coffee, walks or whatever! Feel free to use this an excuse to reach out or make plans, b/c I'd love to see you! I do kindly ask that you refrain from sharing stories of others' cancer experiences until I've completed my treatment but I'm happy to answer questions!


First, thank you so much for all of the love and support that you have sent my way. I've been truly overwhelmed and have cried more happy tears from the support these past weeks than I have sad/frustrated/angry tears since I found out about the diagnosis. Again, thank you. I seriously cannot express the immense love and support I have felt. I love owning my own business but moment (months...) like this do throw me for a loop and cut my work time significantly so your support has been amazing.

My friend Melissa (who is my bff Erika's mom but now my adulthood friend too!) told me this last year when I got my thyroid cancer diagnosis, "It's harder on the family/friends who are caring for you/trying to figure out how to love/support you.... while you are the one who just has to heal." And I see this so much. Thank you again for you love. <3


I had a routine "you are 40 now!" mammogram and many younger women (including myself) have dense breast tissue. That's why it's so important to get checked b/c my tumor is only 1.2 cm and I cannot feel it (none of my doctors can either)! The mammogram found it. The mammo was followed by an ultrasound then by a biopsy, then... well here we are.

And to my friends who think the mammo will be painful. It's not bad at all. And honestly, we've all had our boobs squeezed WAY harder (sorry dad...).


Officially: Ductal Carcinoma in Situ, Invasive, Estrogen/Progesterone+ and HER2 Negative.

Normal words: I have a 1.2 cm tumor on my right side in a duct. The positive and negative on those are both good things. MRI is totally clean!


Tessa went with me to meet with the Radiology Oncologist (Dr. Coleman) today and we loved her. She spent over an hour with us talking through the entire process of radiology, why it's recommended and the week-by-week expectations.

She talked about my age and how this is a great way to prevent it recurring in the future. My plan which all doctors are on board with is to have a lumpectomy so the radiology brings the chance of recurrence down from 30% to less than 7%.

She reinforced that my diagnosis is very positive... like if you have to have BC, this are the stats you want as all signs point to it being fairly straightforward.

Tessa and her cadre of holistic health warriors totally have my back and are ordering additional tests and supplements for me each day - a special thank you to those who donated b/c it's going a LONG way to go after this from all sides.

My MRI came back with all things looks clear though they will remove one lymph node at the time of the lumpectomy just to check it and make sure it's truly clean (this is routine). Based on all we know, the current diagnosis and how things should continue to track, radiology should be "all" I have to do!

Surgery is not yet scheduled but will likely be sometime in November. Radiation begins 3-4 weeks after that and will be 5 days a week for 6 weeks (30 total treatments). So basically I'll need a big tropical vacation right after and am open to anyone who wants to go celebrate w/me :)

Radiation will include four small tattoos (again, sorry dad...) and Tessa and I asked my doctor about the biodegradable ink that Tessa has on her flower tattoo that we heard was bought out by pharma for radiation.... so we are looking into this :)


I'm with Sharp and this page (despite the mask photo...) has a lot of great information. The videos under "understanding your diagnosis" are interesting and go over basic info too, not just cancer stuff.

THE VISION I'M HOLDING (and you are welcome to adapt for your prayers too)

  • That the genetic testing come bask easy and favorable. That it’s clear and I am in the majority side where the results do not indicate any recurrence risk or high risk. 

  • That the lymph node they remove during surgery is clear, healthy and beautiful. 

  • That the lumpectomy is simple easy and has beautiful clean margins 

  • That my pathology shows the lowest grade, lowest stage and totally clean margins 

Vision: glittering white light in my breasts, breaking up anything that is not for my highest, the little tumor evaporating into the light of God. 

*Don't hold me to any of these statistics, it's all from memory and I didn't write anything down.

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Nov 25, 2024


Melissa Muth
Melissa Muth
Oct 11, 2024

This is a good way to keep us all informed. Thanks, Katharine-girl


Oct 10, 2024

That was mama bear

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